but we did have some "say so" in the matter and certainly could have stopped letting ourselves be manipulated. In fact, most of us have done so.
I prefer to define "brainwashing" ...that is, manipulating another human beings thoughts through unusual psychological means to the point where one is no longer in control of their own thinking.
Ok, I would like to clarify some things in that definition. One, you mention unusual. How about usual means? You can likely see where I am going with this, as I would argue that usual, or more importantly, means that appear innocuous and 'everyday' can many times be more effective. Two, you mention 'to the point where one is no longer in control of their own thinking', meaning that there is a period of transition. I could argue that during the period of transition a person uses stage 'B', but then is taught to circumvent stage 'B' and go directly from 'A' to 'C'. I can't discuss more as I have to get out of work before I get asked to do anything else on this half day of work, but I will come back later. Have a good X-mass!